Extended builder
Extended builder. Has a wider set of options and content settings in the table. But it’s still as easy to use as possible. If you’ve worked at Excel, then the interface will definitely be familiar.

Adding and Removing Columns
To add or remove columns, click on the “Columns” icon on the builder panel.

Adding and removing rows
To add or remove columns, click on the “Rows” icon on the builder panel.

Hide or remove the selected rows/columns on the frontend
Hide rows (can be useful for placing intermediate calculations),
Remove rows (can be useful for placing information for admin side only).

Also, the extended builder fully supports the following configurable options:
Text settings
Size, style, font, color,

Cell alignment
You can adjust the horizontal (top; middle; bottom) and vertical (left; center; right) alignment. The alignment will work with any type of content.

Cell background-color
Select one or more cells, a column, a row, and give them absolutely any color.

Formats for cells value
If you need to set types not for columns, but for individual cells, then this option will be useful for you. Select one or more cells and click on the option, then select the type and enter the appropriate content in the cells.

Word wrapping
With this option, you will be able to control the line wrapping in your table. Select one or more cells to customize and click on the Word wrapping option.
You can customize the option by selecting one of the options:
- Wrap text automatically.
- Content that does not fit in the cell will be overlapping the following cells.
- Content that does not fit in the cell will be clipped.

Merging cells
Select multiple cells and use this option to merge the cells into one.

Insert links
Select a cell/column/row, or several, and click on the “insert link” option icon. In the popup that opens, enter the link, the text for the link, and you can also choose to open the link in the next window.

Insert media
Select a cell/column/row, or several, and click on the “insert media” option icon. In the popup that opens, select the media to insert.

This option leaves a comment in the plugin menu (not for the frontend). Select a cell/column/row, or several and click on the option icon “insert comment”. In the popup that opens, enter the media to insert.

The advanced builder fully supports formulas familiar to us from Excel and other popular editors. Select the cell you need and enter the specified formula. For example, let’s add two cells =A1+B1.
Check out this article to learn more about formulas in the advanced builder.

Add conditional formatting to cells
Use conditional formatting to help you visually explore and analyze data, detect critical issues, and identify patterns and trends. Conditional formatting allows you to highlight or modify cells, rows, or even columns based on the contents of the cells.
- Rules.
- To begin defining conditional formatting rules, click new conditional rule to create and specify parameters for the condition.
- Condition type.
- This is determined by what operation you want to use to set the condition. Use text or a cell for the condition, and depending on the type, select a comparison operator. For instance:
- Operator.
For the Text type, the operator can be: begin with; end with; contains; not contains.
For the Cell in type, the operator can be: equals; not equals; greater than; greater than or equal; less than; less than or equal; between. - Value.
- This is determined by the value that will be used in the rule comparison operation.
- Styles.(background; text color).
- Here you can select the background color and text when the condition is triggered.
- Properties. (Bold; Italic; Underline).
- Here you can select proprietes text when the condition is triggered.
- After you have specified all the parameters, click Apply and the condition will be added to the list.

Add editable field
This option adds an edit field to selected cells to edit the value of the cell in the frontend. Check out this article to learn more about editable fields.

Make the rows collapsible
Make the rows collapsible.

The first collapsible row becomes the “main” row with the control button. Other collapsible rows will be hidden by default – the user might show/hide them by pressing on control button of the “main” row.

Important! This option makes sense only if the table is not on responsive mode (or responsive mode is disabled) and not in Automatic column hiding mode.
Do shortcodes in the selected cells
You can allow shortcodes to run in selected cells. To do this, select one or more cells, click on the Do Shortcodes option icon and click “+”.

In this example, we want to display a chart from our plugin. After we have enabled the option and added the shortcode to the cell, the chart will be displayed in front.

To disable this option, click on the icon and click clear.
Enable Multiple Sorting
This option allows you to display the table with sorting already applied on the front. To enable the option:
- Enable the sorting option (options->check box sorting).
- Sort the desired column.
- And now, if you want the table to appear on the front with the same sorting applied as in the preview, turn on the option Enable multiple sorting.

Show column letters
Enable this option to display the column names by letters.

Show filter row
Shows/hides a window for filtering content within a column.

After enabling the option, select the condition and enter the value and press ok. The column will now be filtered.
For example, let’s set a filter with the condition “begin” from the value “1”. As you can see, only those cells of the column remained, the contents of which begin with “1”.

To remove a filter, click on the desired filter and click “clear”.
Create charts
With this option, you can manually select a range to create a chart.

Regardless of which constructor you use, the following options are available to you:
Enter data manually. This is an obvious solution, of course, but you can also just click on the cell and fill it with the required content.
Drag&Drop Sorting. In addition, you have the option to change the order by dragging and dropping columns and rows and making additional adjustments to suit your needs.

Regardless of which builder you are using, you can right-click on the selected cell to bring up a context menu with options:

Insert row. Click here to add a new row to the table, but you can choose to add above or below the current row.
Delete row. Delete the selected row.
Add Column. Click here to add a new column to the table, but you can choose to add left or right the current column.
Delete Column. Delete the selected column.
Copy/Past. You can copy and paste the contents of the cell, or use the keyboard shortcut (ctrl + c / ctrl + v).
Column Setting. To select the column settings, move the mouse over the header and click on the settings icon.

Here you can specify the name of the column, select and configure in detail the type of the column and adapt the column to different devices.
The plugin fully supports the following column types:
- Single line text field
- Text area
- HTML Field
- Numeric Value
- Currency
- Percent
- Percent with Convert
- Date Field
- Button/Link
- Select Field
- File upload
- Media content
Then go to the advanced column settings. You can learn more about column settings here.