
Overwrite table text and Language

Overwrite is a term used as the default text for options. You can easily change the standard text of a table to your custom one.

The article will guide you through the process replace text strings and their language in your tables without any piece of code.  

Empty table

Overwrite text option is located in the Options setting section in the Text tab.

An empty table is a text that is displayed when there are no cells and rows in the table. By default, it is set to No data available in table. 

Empty table

Table info text

Table info text is the text that is shown by default when you turn on the Table information option (this option is located in the General feature section in the Features tab). Variables: _START_, _END_, _TOTAL_

Example: Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries

Table info text

Empty info text

Empty info text is the notification displayed when you do filter through the data in a table and no result is shown. Please note that a text will be displayed if you previously enabled the Table information option.

Empty info text


Filtered info text

Filtered info text is the text displayed when you do filter through the data in a table. Please note that a text will be displayed if you previously enabled the Table information option. 

Variables: _MAX_

Example: (filtered from _MAX_ total entries)

Filtered info text

Length text 

Length text is the default text that is set when using pagination. The menu that is displayed can be controlled in the Pagination section setting which is located in the Features tab. Variables: _MENU_

Example: Show _MENU_ entries

Search label

The search label is a text that is displayed near the search bar if you are using the Searching option. The default text is Search:

Zero records

Zero records is a string that is shown if there are no results available. By default it is set to No matching records are found

Zero records


In order to change the language of a table, you need to scroll to the bottom to the Table Language dropdown. Please note that only the default text strings will be changed.
